CySim - Graphical User Interface

Features of the CySim GUI

  • Fixed system configuration: 2-bed Skarstrom cycle
  • Arbitrary number and configuration of the cycle steps
  • Connections for 2-sided pressure equalisation
  • Between 1 and 5 gas phase components
  • Full control over the unit parameters and models, e.g. mass, momentum and energy balances
  • Control spatial discretisation scheme and grid size
  • Accompanying plotting tool
GUI showing the parameters for the left column in the Skarstrom PSA cycle.
GUI showing the parameters for the left column in the Skarstrom PSA cycle.
Plotting tool for CySim showing the pressure profile for a 6-step Skarstrom PSA cycle.
Plotting tool for CySim showing the pressure profile for a 6-step Skarstrom PSA cycle.